Content for Sales and Marketing

Propel prospects through the sales cycle faster.

All Kinds of Content

Engaging, informative content is vital to successful lead generation. We develop strategic content by tapping into your company’s knowledge to understand your industry, your customers and the buyer’s journey. Working together with your subject matter experts or researching independently, using a structured process, we create content that will capture the attention of your targets at all stages of the funnel.

  • Case studies
  • Whitepapers
  • Blogs
  • Videos
  • Web copy
  • Sales and marketing collateral 
IAK Marketing - Content for the buyers journey
IAK Marketing - Content

Make Your Content Work

Existing content can be repurposed, reused, refreshed and repeated to increase its reach and amplify your message.

We’ve got endless creative ways to get the most out of content and to help measure what’s working and what’s not. 

IAK Marketing - content for search

Case Studies

Case studies are a great way to prove value to both prospects and to motivate underperforming clients. We can interview and work with your sales and success teams to identify potential candidates, then interview and work with the client to get the story and write it. 

IAK Marketing - marketing content

Optimize to Increase Traffic

Search Engine Optimization or SEO helps increase the quality and quantity of traffic to your website, making it easier for prospects searching for relevant keywords to find it. The content we produce is optimized using the keywords that are relevant to your products.

Need Help?

Get in touch with us to talk discuss content for sales and marketing.